council owned land on urban fringe



That the motion be amended to insert the text as shown in bold italics and delete the text as struck through.


This Council

·         Requests that the Chief Executive contacts Robert Jenrick MP, to expresses council’s preference that the land on the urban fringe of Brighton & Hove which is presently privately owned or owned by Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC), or subsequently acquired by BHCC, should would not be put at risk, used or disposed of (including through joint ventures) for housing development by housebuilding targets imposed through central government planning policy, and that our preference is for brownfield development.; and;

·         Stating that while the council’s City Plan means that over 85% of new residential development will take place on brownfield sites, the requirement to meet centrally set housebuilding targets continues to force councils to use urban fringe sites for housing development

·         That Policy & Resources Committee be requested to call for a report in order to establish such a policy to protect the urban fringe for the benefit of the City’s residents.


          Proposed by: Cllr Gibson                               Seconded by: Cllr Littman


Recommendation if carried to read:

This Council

·         Requests that the Chief Executive contacts Robert Jenrick MP, to expresses council’s preference that the land on the urban fringe of Brighton & Hove which is presently privately owned or owned by Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC), or subsequently acquired by BHCC, should not be put at risk, used or disposed of for housing development by housebuilding targets imposed through central government planning policy, and that our preference is for brownfield development; and

·         Stating that while the council’s City Plan means that over 85% of new residential development will take place on brownfield sites, the requirement to meet centrally set housebuilding targets continues to force councils to use urban fringe sites for housing development.